wangyun yan, hechu, tufeng, chendong, liaoming sheng. polsarima g eclassificationusin gfeaturefusional g orithm basedonfeatureselectionandbila y ersvm[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2015, 40(9): 1157-1162. DOI: 10.13203/j .whu g is20140351
Citation: wangyun yan, hechu, tufeng, chendong, liaoming sheng. polsarima g eclassificationusin gfeaturefusional g orithm basedonfeatureselectionandbila y ersvm[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2015, 40(9): 1157-1162. DOI: 10.13203/j .whu g is20140351

polsarima g eclassificationusin gfeaturefusional g orithm basedonfeatureselectionandbila y ersvm

  • sin g let yp eoffeaturevectorcannotfull ydescribeob j ects,inordertofull yusetherichob j ectinformationofp olarimetricsarima g esandsolvethisp roblem,thisp a p erp utforwardanovel featurefusional g orithmbasedonfeatureselectionandbila y ersvmforp olarimetricsarima g eclassification-thatcanmakefulluseofthecomp letenessanddissimilarit ybetweenthefeaturestoformamoreeffec-tivefeaturevector.varioust yp esoffeaturevectorswereextractedfromanori g inal ima g eb ydifferentmethodsforfull ydescribin p atialpy ramidisintroducedtog etthefeaturevectorindifferentsizeors p atiallocation.a mrmrfeatureselectionmethodwasusedtoobtaintheo p timalfeaturesubsetforg ivencate g oriestoavoidredundan-c yandoverfittin gp henomenoncausedb ythesimp lecombinationofvariousfeaturevectors.finall y,themultila y erconce p twasintroducedandabila y ersvm modelwasconstructedtoo p timizeandre-p rocessthep robabilitiesofthetar g etcate g or yobtainedb ythefirstsvm.ex p erimentalresultsonthetwop olarimetricsarima g esachievedb ythejetpro p ulsionlaborator yshowthesu p eriorit yofthep ro p oseda pp roach.
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